Fall and Winter Foot Care
With colder weather comes dry air and necessary wardrobe changes to stay warm, including our shoes. We transition from breathable sandals to fuzzy boots, and this transition means different foot care needs. Here are a few tips to keep your feet healthy this season:
Keep your feet clean and dry- Many companies make socks with copper inlay, and these socks can help prevent bacteria growth and wick sweat in tighter, warmer shoes. You can also apply foot powder before pulling socks and shoes on to keep them dry. Make sure to take off your socks and allow your feet to air out. It is also a good idea to scrub your feet once or twice a day to keep them clean, especially before bed.
Assess your shoes- If you are wearing last season’s fall and winter shoes again, check for holes and cracks. Check how much wiggle room you have. Your toes should be able to wiggle around while the rest of your foot stays relatively stationary in the shoe. If traversing in snow, make sure to take off your snowshoes when you are back inside to dry them off as much as possible. Having two pairs to alternate can help with this. Check out Comfort Pair’s selection of warm boots for the most comfortable pair you’ll ever wear!
Self-Care- Take care of your skin and consider starting a deep moisture routine. Lotion every night before bed and whenever your feet feel dry and cracked. Some lotions will be better than others and have deeper healing qualities. Also, consider taking a nail polish break. Nail Polish can flake off in your socks and keeping up with it can cause bacterial growth. Finally, drink as much water as possible. Drinking water can keep your skin moisturized and prevent stiff joints.